Test applications and internal components of the location service instantiates this object and use the GNSS device through the IGnssAdapter interface. GNSS adapter: This is a singleton COM object that implements the IGnssAdapter COM interface. The GNSS API set is private API to only location platform components (for example, the location service and location test applications) and is not available to other first-party or third-party applications. The Windows components use the GNSS device by programming against the IGnssAdapter COM interface. The exact shape of this API is outside the scope of this document. GNSS API: The IGnssAdapter COM (Component Object Model) interface that exposes the functionality of the GNSS device to the internal components of the location service, as well as to test applications. Test application: An application for testing GNSS functionality.

LBS application: A user application that uses the location functionality of the Windows 10 platform The components in the diagram are described here:
#Microsoft universal c runtime gns3 download driver
The following high-level component block diagram shows how the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) UMDF 2.0 driver integrates with the Windows 10 platform. Provides an overview of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) UMDF 2.0 driver architecture, I/O considerations, and discusses several types of tracking and fix sessions.